
Hard work,


dango dango dango

About Me

A little information about my self


I'm William Ducta, a Frustrated Engineering Student and now a Self taught Web Developer.

Last 2018, I was a 4th year student of BS Electrical Engineering at Cavite State University in Indang, Cavite. Everything is going according to my plan to graduate at this course until a serious health problem came my way. Because of this, I was advised to stop going to school and focus on my health first.

This was the darkest time in my life. Gladly, I managed to overcome my health problem and continue my journey. However, I wasn't able to go back as a 4th year BS Electrical Engineering student due to the new curriculum (K-12) my school is currently implementing. At first, I was down. But, I decided that I should not be easily discouraged. Learning does not stop from four corners of the classroom. Since, it is innate in me to fix and create things as well as my ability to solve problems, I decided to be a software developer.

I first encountered programming when I was 2nd year in college. I enjoyed it because of the interesting topics such as coding, fixing bugs, etc. I was fired up because as I mentioned above, I like creating things and solving challenges and problems.

I took online courses such as Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!, The Complete Javascript Course, The Web Developer Bootcamp, The Complete Node Developer Course, Modern React with Redux in Udemy, the largest online learning platform. I diligently took these courses and gave my all to become a good Web developer. I know that learning fully will only be done by practicing, hence, I crafted some projects in accordance to the knowledge I got from these courses.


The Tech Stacks I've been using as a developer is known as MERN

Aside from MERN Stack, I've also work with other technologies like

•Vanilla Javascript •CSS •HTML •SCSS •Git •Github •Mongoose •Heroku •Handlebars


These are some of the Projects that I've been work with

Forkify: Web Based Recipe App
This Web Application allows you to search top recipe related to your query. This uses Food2Fork api that is know for providing good content. It has a functionality to save recipe and recipe list for future use. You can also adjust the number of servings and automatically recomputes each recipe needed, thanks to Javascript for this ability.

•Scss •Vanilla Javascript •Food2Fork Api •Webpack

TodoAPI: Full scale Backend Service
A not so simple Todo App that allows you to Add/Edit/Get/Delete todos. This Todos is stored in mlab (mongoDB related) so the user can access it anywhere. This App uses custom made authentication that require user for an email and password. Bcryptjs handles the password checking and JsonWebToken is for ensuring that only the Todos that the user made will only be seen, edit or delete.

•Postman •Rest API •Authentication (JWT & bcryptJs) •Testing (Jest & Mocha)

Cheat Chat: Real Time Private Chat App
A simple real time Chat Application that is built with Socket.IO. This only require a chat name, and "Room Name" that serves as the key to your group chat. This will not store any chat log so you can use this privately. This is simple version of Omegle but you are not chatting with a stranger.

•Vanila Javascript • •NodeJs •Express

Stream Me: Online Streaming App
This Web application is a simple version of Streaming App like Twitch. User can see the list of streams, and create/update/delete stream provided that they are loged in. This uses GoogleOAuth2 for authentication that requires the user to pass their email and Google will handles the rest. Using OAuth is super ideal because I dont need to handle the security of their account and the user will not worry in thinking of another account name for another application.

•React & Redux •GoogleOAuth2 •RTMP API •OBS Studio


Check Out my other works at my Github page